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Living Off The Land


In these challenging times, I have turned to the simple things in life. Finding joy from small pleasures and priceless pursuits, spending more time in nature, and looking at ways to protect our environment, doing my very small bit to contribute where I can.

Not entirely selfless though! - these changes are benefitting me, and will hopefully continue to in the coming years. I have stopped eating meat, travel far less (including car travel), tend to my garden more, protect insects and wildlife where I can, and am generally more conscious, and live life a little slower.

Taking a step further than I am able to right now, are my lovely friends Rachel and Nick. Once Halifax dwellers like myself (in fact I met them as they bought my old house!), they uprooted from Yorkshire back in 2019 and are now the proud owners of a beautiful property, with outbuildings and farm land, in Dunbar, Scotland.

Rachel and Nick always aspired to live off the land, and live a sustainable life away from the rat race. In June 2019 they made decision to set up small-holding and Nick swiftly started looking for properties. By August they had made offer on Beltonford Villa, and got keys end of September!

I was lucky enough to join them for a day and had a full tour of the property, including polytunnel and 40 tree orchard! We had a beach walk, I picked veg for our dinner and I left feeling happy and content, and100% more wholesome than when I arrived.

I asked Rachel for a little break down of events as she really has made it look super easy - especially with 2 little ones under 5!

Here’s her timeline…

  • we moved in September 2019

  • we spent the Winter sorting out the house, and repairing, securing fencing & borders etc.

  • in February 2020 we put up poly tunnel and the first animals arrived… six hens and two piglets!

  • March saw us planting the 40 tree orchard – apples, plums, pears! We planted fruit bushes gooseberry, redcurrant, blackcurrant, loganberry, blackberry, raspberry and 300 hedging plants for wildlife corridor along property boundary.

  • Late March we sowed seeds in the poly tunnel and dug the field in preparation for the veggie patch.

  • In April the lambs arrived! (Pet lambs from a friend’s sheep farm) – Timmy, Jimmy and Hope.

  • This Summer was sowing more seeds! maintenance weeding, harvesting, digging and potting up in the polytunnel.

  • More recently we have been picking apples, freezing blackberries and other fruits & making jams and chutneys etc!

I can honestly say, this is the way forward.

If we can somehow embrace digital world, but loosen the grip it seems to have on all our lives, and move towards whats real and raw and good, them I’m pretty sure civilisation would be happier and healthier.

I asked Rachel to share her pro’s and con’s - and it’s clear she agrees.


  • watching the kids pick and eat veg straight from the plant (peas/ strawberries/ berries are their favourites!)

  • giving the kids the opportunity to help feed and clean out the animals

  • 100% home-grown meals – no nasties!

  • Spending more time outside and noticing the seasons


  • we haven’t found any yet!!