Well my goodness, how things have changed in such a short time, reminding us all that; nothing is certain, everything flows and changes, and that we never really had any control even when we thought we did! I do hope you are all safe and well ready this.

I have taken some time to process whats happening in the world before I jumped on the bandwagon to post about more fear and worry and anxiety. However I understand that it’s important to stay connected and keep going as much as we can, so here I am blogging about the C word! - whilst trying to stay positive and help at least one of you out if I can.

As we all embark on this time of change and new unknown territory, we can look for opportunities and lessons, we can choose how to react, how we perceive and how we respond.

Many of you lucky ones will have the opportunity to work from home, and you are lucky! - many have to work through the virus, coming into contact daily with angry, scared members of the public, and the virus it’s self, so count your blessings. That said, this is a huge change for most people, and a change in routine can throw up a whole heap of anxieties so I thought I would give you all a few ideas around effective working from home regimes that I have used for the past 5 years.

When I first started to work from home, I was excited and frankly in my happy place! (literally) my home is my sanctuary, as it is for many of you. I felt incredibly privileged and lucky, yet I had no idea how self motivated and structured I would have to be in order to make working from home as effective as it can be. Below are a few pointers to help set you up for the next few months ( hopefully less! )

  1. Where will you work?

    Biggest and best question. Find a space at home you can recreate your working environment. Do not sit on the coach, or work in bed! Hopefully you’ll have an office or studio space, if not, use a table - dining room or kitchen ideally. Work near a window, light helps boost your immune system and feeds the brain! Make your office space as comfortable and as pleasant aesthetically as you can, perhaps add a plant near your laptop or fresh flowers, keep a notebook or notepad by your side to scribble ideas in and to do lists. Open the windows, let in fresh air.

  2. Build a morning routine

    When our routine is suddenly disrupted, we go through emotions such as helplessness, despair, and frustration. Try to keep a routine.  Start the day as you would if you were going to commute, eat a good breakfast, get washed, dressed, put on makeup, get ready as if you were going to work. No-one can work effectively if you’ve not brushed your teeth and are still sat in PJ’s!

  3. Exercise

    This has been a life saver for me. if I go 3 days without going for a run I can mentally feel drained and demotivated quite quickly. A morning run, a lunchtime potter in the garden or an evening walk, it really boosts the old endorphins and gives you your daily vitamin D. Spring is on it’s way - so time in the garden or local park for yoga would be ideal.

  4. Have a lunch break

    So important, don’t work through! - just because you pegged the laundry out for 10 mins doesn’t mean you skip lunch. Eat and rest, for 30 mins minimum. Taking breaks will be critical to your sanity, but also make sure you rest your eyes from sitting in front of the computer.

  5. Plan your days

    I am queen of the to-do list, however mine normally is several A4 sheets of paper with scribbles all over! I tried several ways to organise my tasks, such as highlighting my to do list in green, amber and red…but i rarely got to red! My top tip and the system that works the most for me is printing off monthly calendars and filling in the days tasks accordingly. That way i see the bigger picture whilst allocating certain tasks to certain days depending on what I have coming up that year.

  6. Stay connected

    You are used to seeing your colleagues, being a social creature and connecting. Whether you are introvert or extrovert, there will be times you feel incredibly alone, so schedule a work phone call a day, use Zoom and Skype and Whats app video calling for business meetings. If that fails, go in the garden and have a quick chat with your neighbour!

I really hope some of this is useful for you, if you have any tips of your own you’d like to share please comment below! - every little helps. x