time out

Living Off The Land


In these challenging times, I have turned to the simple things in life. Finding joy from small pleasures and priceless pursuits, spending more time in nature, and looking at ways to protect our environment, doing my very small bit to contribute where I can.

Not entirely selfless though! - these changes are benefitting me, and will hopefully continue to in the coming years. I have stopped eating meat, travel far less (including car travel), tend to my garden more, protect insects and wildlife where I can, and am generally more conscious, and live life a little slower.

Taking a step further than I am able to right now, are my lovely friends Rachel and Nick. Once Halifax dwellers like myself (in fact I met them as they bought my old house!), they uprooted from Yorkshire back in 2019 and are now the proud owners of a beautiful property, with outbuildings and farm land, in Dunbar, Scotland.

Rachel and Nick always aspired to live off the land, and live a sustainable life away from the rat race. In June 2019 they made decision to set up small-holding and Nick swiftly started looking for properties. By August they had made offer on Beltonford Villa, and got keys end of September!

I was lucky enough to join them for a day and had a full tour of the property, including polytunnel and 40 tree orchard! We had a beach walk, I picked veg for our dinner and I left feeling happy and content, and100% more wholesome than when I arrived.

I asked Rachel for a little break down of events as she really has made it look super easy - especially with 2 little ones under 5!

Here’s her timeline…

  • we moved in September 2019

  • we spent the Winter sorting out the house, and repairing, securing fencing & borders etc.

  • in February 2020 we put up poly tunnel and the first animals arrived… six hens and two piglets!

  • March saw us planting the 40 tree orchard – apples, plums, pears! We planted fruit bushes gooseberry, redcurrant, blackcurrant, loganberry, blackberry, raspberry and 300 hedging plants for wildlife corridor along property boundary.

  • Late March we sowed seeds in the poly tunnel and dug the field in preparation for the veggie patch.

  • In April the lambs arrived! (Pet lambs from a friend’s sheep farm) – Timmy, Jimmy and Hope.

  • This Summer was sowing more seeds! maintenance weeding, harvesting, digging and potting up in the polytunnel.

  • More recently we have been picking apples, freezing blackberries and other fruits & making jams and chutneys etc!

I can honestly say, this is the way forward.

If we can somehow embrace digital world, but loosen the grip it seems to have on all our lives, and move towards whats real and raw and good, them I’m pretty sure civilisation would be happier and healthier.

I asked Rachel to share her pro’s and con’s - and it’s clear she agrees.


  • watching the kids pick and eat veg straight from the plant (peas/ strawberries/ berries are their favourites!)

  • giving the kids the opportunity to help feed and clean out the animals

  • 100% home-grown meals – no nasties!

  • Spending more time outside and noticing the seasons


  • we haven’t found any yet!!

COVID LOCKDOWN - help to navigate these testing times...

COVID LOCKDOWN - help to navigate these testing times...

Hopefully most of you are creating pockets of happiness in your homes, to keep safe and well and comfortable where you can. I wanted to share a few ideas around how you can update your space, and also share tips on staying healthy and positive in the next few months.



When I first started to work from home, I was excited and frankly in my happy place! (literally) my home is my sanctuary, as it is for many of you. I felt incredibly privileged and lucky, yet I had no idea how self motivated and structured I would have to be in order to make working from home as effective as it can be. Below are a few pointers to help set you up for the next few months ( hopefully less! )


Well hello there to those of you who have a peep on here regularly, (or annually!) - how are you all? how has the winter treated you? A difficult season for many people; Christmas, a challenging time for some, and the flurry of storms we’ve had presenting challenges left right and centre, along with the dark nights sometimes limiting our energy and motivation.

I struggle personally with winter, constantly striving for continued productivity, but lacking energy and drive and usually, after some pretty tough internal battles, I surrender to hibernation mode and being gentle with myself, sitting hopes and expectations on the fence until Springtime, and this is ok for me.

This is the exact reason why I’m only just sharing my Berlin adventure with you! Other things have taken precedent, I was fortunate enough in November to travel to Germany, unknowingly, at the time of the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, “mauerfall”. We had planned to eat and drink our way around the capital, but the additional surprise of the anniversary celebrations made fr a very memorable trip indeed.

Taking inspirational trips away, be it a city break, a longer beach break, or a day trip to the UK coast, really soften my soul and relax my mind, allowing a little bit of energy to be restored and rejuvenated. Here’s to adventure and experience, and a slow and simple Spring-time. xx

#wellness #wellbeing #inspirationaladventures #creativebreaks #soulpleasing


Early May saw me gallivanting around the South of France, mainly to Tournon d’Agenais, visiting my friend who set up a little tea room in Summer 2018.

Tournon-d'Agenais is a commune in the Lot-et-Garonne department in south-western France. The royal bastide town stands on a steep hillside overlooking the peaceful countryside.

My main aim of my trip to France, (alongside obviously catching up with Jenny), was to take some time out from my busy schedule, slow down, switch off, get my camera out and really observe and report.

I was only in Tournon for a few days, so switching off in such a short time was a challenge. I was fidgety and anxious at times but it really helped that it was outside of tourist season so nothing was open and no-one was about.

Eerie at first, I began to embrace the empty tiny village streets, the old battered windows and doors, the stunning weathered stone facades, and the communal garden with its idyllic setting and beautiful bird song. I slowly allowed myself to just ‘be’ and absorb the scenes and sounds around me.

Here are a few of my finds, they are raw photos, I haven’t done anything to them as they seem to have an error on the file! - so they are in their most real state.

Hope you enjoy! x

As well as my solo wanderings, Jenny managed to get a little bit of time off from her tea duties and so we ventured to Lauzerte. Listed among the most beautiful villages of France, the hilltop village of Lauzerte overlooks the valleys and hills of Quercy Blanc, where we found a seemingly ‘secret’ gallery called Art Points de Vue .

Working with major contemporary artists, the sculptures by Robert Keramsi where hauntingly exquisite, and the ink drawings really evocative.

The weekend was a whistle stop tour but it really inspired me and took me out of my comfort zone. I’m sure these photos will become part of my next creative adventure. I hope you liked them.

au revoir! x